Dear Mom,
Thank you for everything you have ever done for me. I have never told you how much I truly appreciate what you do for me and the sacrifices you make. But as I’ve gotten older I now know the importance of making sure you know how much I appreciate you.
You have always been there for me and I couldn’t imagine not having you by my side. You were there for me every time a stupid boy broke my heart, every time I lost a friend and every time I got in a fight with Dad. But you weren’t just there when I was struggling, you were also there for me at my best points. You were there for me when I went on my first date, you were there for me for my first track meet and my first homecoming. I couldn’t be happier to have you on my team.
As time went on I know you felt like you were missing out on my life. You were no longer there for prom or other events that were important to me. But I know it was not your fault, I know you would have been there if you could have been. For a while you felt as if Dad was getting to experience it all and you missed out. But I would like you to know that even when you weren’t there physically, you were still always there for me. You were just a phone call away. Even when it was 2 a.m. you would always answer my calls. Thank you for letting me cry on the phone for hours even when you had work the next day. You put everything down to make sure I was OK. This is even more important than you being here for me physically. Whenever I needed you, I could always count on you.
I still wish you could have been there for prom, or senior night or moving me into college. But all of this is not important, what is important is that you are happy and that I always know I can count on you. Not only to cry all night on the phone, but I can count on you to help me buy groceries, or to calm me down when I am having my weekly panic attack about who knows what. On several occasions you have talked me through my stressors, through the things I cannot control no matter how hard I try. You help me see things clearer, you help me smile when I feel like I can’t, and you help me grow into a stronger and more thoughtful woman.
You taught me to care for the people who aren’t the easiest to care for, you taught me to cherish my friendships and you taught me to never give up. You taught me all of this and much, much more throughout my entire life, even during the times you weren’t here with me physically. If it wasn’t for the phone calls I do not think I could make it through a single day. I know I do not call you every day, but knowing that if I ever need you, you're there makes me feel like I can take on the world.
So this is a thank you. Thank you for dropping everything for me, thank you for giving me the world, and thank you for always being understanding even when my problems seem silly. I love you more than you know and I am so grateful I got you as a mom.
Your baby girl