The black man is the most feared, yet the least loved man on this earth. With so many red flags hanging over his head daily, I never see the flags of admiration or respect. So we created our own to give to you.
Dear Black Man,
I love you. I care for you. I cherish you. I adore you. Your strength and hard work never goes unnoticed. Your ability to live your life even with a target on your back only shows how much of a man you are. Your broad shoulders, your confidence, that walk and that talk...There is absolutely nothing like YOU, King. You are the epitome of a man. Everything a man should and would want to be.
With all of the negative that surrounds you, don't feel alone. You have your black queens standing behind you. We support you. We love you. We are your backbone. God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers. Remain standing tall, and your head held high. You are forever loved, King.
To the man of strength, courage, and power, I love you.
-N. Wright
What A Black Man Means To Me,
A black man is my strength when I am feeling weak,
A black man is my light when I am feeling dim,A black man is my smile when all I want to do is frown
And a black man for sure keeps my heart pounding hard.
To me, a black man can hold the weight of the world and still shine
He can put his family on his back and be sure to grind.
To me, a black man can uplift his woman in many ways
He can put on her crown and make her see her beauty in every way.
Black man, you are strong,
Black man, you are wise,
You are the voice of your generation, say that with pride.
Black man, you are worthy,
Black man, you are a king
Do not ever let another man tell you, you cannot be.
What a black man means to me is everything,
From the way, he talks, to the way he walks, to the way he sets me free,
Free to be my natural self, free to love my curves, free to be the me the world deserves to know.
Black man, Black man you mean everything to me
You deserve to be yourself even if the world does not seem to see,
Black man, Black man YOU mean everything to me.
-K. Fluke
To my black man,
Underrated and unappreciated, is what you are.
I mean with being head of households and billion dollar moguls shouldn't the world have learned by now that you are not forced to be reckoned with ? Or maybe that's the problem. Maybe they see you as a threat. Maybe they know the power that you really hold: That a black man can be president, that a black man can run his own bank, that a black man can make the world cry. That is why I, and many other black woman love, cherish and hold you up even when this world continues to knock you down. We speak value into your name when this world tries to devalue your very existence. We support you at every cost when the world tries it's best to weigh heavily on your shoulders. We highly respect your diligence in working twice as hard just to break the stereotypes formed against you. You are kings and pharaohs. You are wealthy in strength and melanin, which is as dangerous as it is a blessing. Above all, you are a black man, and there is no one on this earth like you.
-K. Diggles
Dear Black Man,
You are not a statistic! You are not a hashtag! You are not a thug! You are not a disgrace to our race! We stand with you when society only wants to eliminate you. We love you even when others show hate towards you. In these trying times, we need you to be strong just as we are for you. Do not let the discrimination of others deplete you, because people only fear what they don’t understand. Allow your strength to be the force that drives you when the world wants to steer you elsewhere.
Education is your key to freedom. Know that your knowledge is power. Your power to embrace your history to understand what battles were fought which allows you to stand today. The sacrifices that were made for you to be free, to be educated, to simply… be you, be thankful for it. We know that one day, our future generations will face their own share of adversities. We need you to be the reason why our young black men won’t give up. The reason why they should be anything less than great because even in the darkest hour, you’ve shown it’s possible.
I know that you may be scared because your future isn’t promised. But, with the time you have now, make a difference not only for yourself but for the ones who will walk your path one day. For the future educators, doctors, lawyers, judges, congressmen, etc. We stand with you, Always have and Always will.
-M. Hubbard
I find myself bashing black men more than I do appreciating him, and the only time I seem to run to their rescue is when they are being a target. The truth is I never know exactly when they will become another target to this society. The objective is to appreciate you now, and forever.