I keep a wide variety of wigs. I have three different mannequin heads and I change my hairstyles like I change my underwear—daily. Now, my hairstyle changes are never anything extremely drastic. Reason being, with my career path and classes, I choose not to go overboard unless on vacation.
I had never really paid any mind to the fact that I change my hair so much until I got to class one day and my professor addressed it. He calls my name, looks at my ID photo and turns his gaze back to me. "Wow, Did you change your hair again? " I laugh it off and nod my head in agreement. "The girl of many hairstyles" he now calls me.
Two weeks later I came to class with straight, dark hair. Three weeks following it was long and brown and now I sit with a huge puff on the top of my head looking strikingly similar to a piece of broccoli.
I'll admit, I probably complain about my natural hair more than the average person. I rarely wear my hair out because it requires so much maintenance. A wash day is literally that\, an entire day dedicated to me washing my hair. It starts with a wash, next a deep condition, a thorough detangling session and finally the ever so daunting task of blow drying. After this day's work, I'm exhausted and my scalp always feels like its been through the wringer. But, to see how much my hair has grown makes it all worth it.
I honestly enjoy the versatility of my natural hair because I don't have to stick to just one style. My hair usually reflects how I am feeling at the time and I find thrill in picking a color or hairstyle that I've never tried before. It usually ends with me choosing long hair or a short bob but either way, a new do is more than liberating for me.