When I was told that I had to have an article in tonight, I panicked. I had classes all day, a long drive home, and didn’t have time to stare at a blank computer screen for hours like I usually do. Then my dad walked in the door and put his arms around my mom. It’s something I’ve seen millions of times. So ordinary that I typically don’t even notice or acknowledge it, until now when I realized that I probably should.
Now I’m no relationship expert by any means and it’s no secret that I hate romance, PDA, and mushy-gushy love stories, but my mom and dad make it hard for me not to believe in love. I like watching their love story. So after 21 years of taking their relationship for granted and gagging every time they kiss, let me take a second to appreciate it and share some of the things that they don’t even know they’ve taught me about love.
- Make fun of each other.
- Don’t always take everything so seriously.
- Call each other out.
- Go on dates.
- Share friends.
- Argue and get over it.
- Understand she’s always right.
- Tell her that she’s always right.
- Divide the housework.
- Take each other’s side.
- Compliment each other.
- Notice and appreciate the little things.
- Know when to just shut up.
- Help each other.
- Sacrifice.
- You win some and you lose some.
- Take turns being the bad guy.
- Listen to each other. At least pretend.
- Pick up on little hints (like when they want something).
- Share the cooking.
- Keep in touch throughout the day but not too much (don’t call him twelve times mom).
- Always say I love you.
- Start and watch a show together.
- Take turns doing laundry.
- Grocery shop together.
Thanks mom and dad for showing me what real love looks like. You’re nowhere near perfect, but I hope my future looks a lot like your life now.
Your new favorite daughter