During the holidays, it’s easy for us to get wrapped up with the chaos and hustle that Christmas entangles us in. The gift shopping, the party planning, holiday movies - all the madness keeps us focused on the material and possessive aspects that Christmas provides us with. While it’d be a lie to say that we don’t enjoy these superficial parts of the holidays, we still should always make time to appreciate the most important moments that we’re blessed to have during Christmas time.
Spending time with our loved ones-
We often forget the importance of spending time with our family and friends during Christmas, but it’s an integral part of the season. This is the time to have fun and make more memories to cherish throughout our lifetime. Unfortunately, there are many who deal with losing loved ones around this time of the season and as such, Christmas can be also be a time for sadness and loss. If you know someone going through something like this, invite them along for your family gathering, show them some love, and make them part of your family's festivities.
Giving back to those we love-
While we focus on the getting, we should also focus on how to express ourselves in giving back to those we love. Christmas is a time where we can finally show our appreciation to the family and friends that do a lot for us over the years. While it’s definitely hard to not think about what we want to have in the future, giving back to those we love and especially to those who are less fortunate than us is the true meaning behind the holiday.
Enjoying the festivities!-
When the shopping is done and the gifts are wrapped, enjoy the celebrations! There’s plenty to do during the holidays such as town festivals, tree lightings, and more. If there’s not enough time to go out for city celebrations, meet up with your friends for a snow day at the park, go ice skating together, or watch movies while drinking hot chocolate; there's many ways to enjoy the holidays together!