Ask yourself this: when was the last time you took a moment to really appreciate yourself? When did you last look in the mirror and think "hmm…nice!" instead of criticizing yourself?
Stop that right now. No matter where you are in life right now, no matter where you are in the world, you have great qualities. You should not take these for granted. They are what make you, you! And they're amazing.
Now I know what you're saying, "Okay, calm down Positivity Princess. Haven't you ever had a bad day?" To that, I say, yes, of course I have! But that doesn't mean you can't appreciate what you have. In fact, this past week while trying to write this article, I kept getting frustrated, deleting everything, and angrily (but carefully) shutting my laptop and walking away. So yes, I do have bad days too.
In today's society, we get caught up in comparing ourselves to others and wishing for things we don't already have. All this does is cause mental and emotional damage to ourselves, and it damages our self-esteem, as well. What's the point if we're only doing harm? Putting ourselves down isn't going to do anything positive. Here are some ways you can counteract those negative comparisons.
1. Take a deep breath.
Now I know this is kind of cliché, but taking a step back, taking a breath, and seeing the big picture is important. Are you having issues finishing a project? Is it not fitting together just the way you want it to and you're questioning whether or not you're able to finish something? Don't worry; take a step back. Sometimes we get caught up in the tiny, minute things that don't actually matter and we stress ourselves out over it.
2. Start a journal of things you like about yourself.
The things you put into this journal can be absolutely anything. For example, if I were to start a journal like this, I would probably put down that I like my eyes. I also love my ability to write. I enjoy the fact that I listen to people and can make my friends laugh. Sure, these are minute things that don't effect the greater picture, but in some ways, they actually could. Reminding yourself of the little things you enjoy can lead you to seeing bigger things about you that are awesome.
3. Stop putting yourself down.
This is something we're all guilty of doing. I constantly catch myself thinking, "If only I was like so-and-so," or "I wish I could do what they can do." Instead of focusing on negative things or things that you aren't capable of doing, focus on things that you can do. So what if you can't paint like Monet? You can play tennis extremely well and might even make it to Wimbledon one day! Don't constantly remind yourself of things you can't do and improve on the things you can do. And you know what?
4. Take some "you time."
Again, this is another cliché, but it's still very important. Take some time out of your day (or week, because I know some of us are extremely busy) to sit down and really be with yourself. Whether that means you'll paint your nails, take a nice, long shower, or write a reflection journal entry. Be with yourself. Take time to concentrate only on yourself and nothing else.
5. Listen when other people compliment you.
I admit that I'm very bad at this. Whenever someone compliments me, of course I say thank you. But I'm also thinking, "Wow, this person must be absolutely insane if they actually think I look good today." This is yet another thing we're all guilty of and need to chill out with. People wouldn't compliment you if they weren't sincere about it, especially when it comes to strangers.
6. Accept the bad days.
It's okay, we all have them. Sometimes they come in a series of days and sometimes it's only a moment where you feel terrible. But, as human with psychologically confusing emotions, we have to accept the fact that we won't be happy all the time. To quote Veronica Sawyer from "Heathers," "If you were happy every day of your life, you wouldn't be human, you'd be a game show host." So don't worry if you're not having a good day or you don't think you look your best. Remember that we've all been there and it's okay. Just because you have one lousy day doesn't mean you'll have a lousy lifetime. Take a step back, reevaluate everything, and go on. You'll become stronger because of it.