If anyone knows me at all whatsoever, they know I absolutely love dogs. There’s just something about them that makes me happy. While I love all animals, there are a few things about dogs that make me think everyone should consider adopting one.
Experience raising something
Dogs are like the tutorial session for raising children. You learn how to feed it, have patience, teach it obedience, and learn to love even on the bad days. At the same time, they don’t talk (back), require clothing or education, or possess the complex emotions that children and growing young adults have. I personally feel like a dog before starting the family will prove to be very beneficial as the pup parents learn the patience they’ll need.
Cheaper than Kids
If someone wants the joys of having kids without the debt, dogs are a pretty good substitute that doesn't put a huge strain on the parents’ bodies, emotions, or financial situation. Not to say that dogs are better than kids, but as previously stated, they are easier.
You save their life, they save yours
Many dogs living in shelters may never see life outside it, whether that means they grow old and pass away in the shelter or they end up in a kill shelter. This is why I say that we save lives by adopting rather than buying dogs. And, while we save dogs’ lives, they can save ours, as many people suffer from mental illnesses such as PTSD, depression, and anxiety. The concept of emotional support animals is that having a companion animal helps a person stay out of and/or recover more quickly from episodes.
They’re best friends who always know how to cheer you up
Aside from the help dogs give to sufferers of mental illness, people on a day-to-day basis encounter misfortune. Whether a child skinned their knees or someone got fired, a dog shows love no matter what. It can be extremely comforting to come home just to have someone to hug, especially when it seems that dogs know when we’re upset.
They don’t ask for much
In my opinion dogs, on average, are pretty low maintenance. They eat the food given to them every day, they want five or six toys to play with, a walk or two a day is super fun, the dog bed is the comfiest place to sleep, and sometimes they’re even allowed on the furniture! But seriously, think about it. Dogs give us so much that we don’t realize and don’t complain (unless you were about to give them those table scraps).
This has been a PSA to show dogs the appreciation they deserve. So pet the next dog you see (as long as their parent says it’s okay), adopt a dog over buying one, and if you have a dog, go give that little fluff a hug and a kiss. They won’t know why you did it, but will probably be super happy it happened.