You both left your lives in Korea to chase the possibility of a better life in the states. Island homes in Guam and Hawaii, it was a different world as young inexperienced high-schoolers. It must've been a lonely and overwhelming transition. You both learned a language without help in order to survive, to be treated as equal.
Finding a home and settling down in Georgia, you both didn't really know what to expect. But, you laid down all you could to raise me and my sister to the best of your abilities.
Dad, you let us try all we wanted to find our passions. Ballet, tennis, martial arts, trumpet, piano, cello, we had the ability to do it all. The work you put in, the late hours, the start-ups; it was all to help us be able to make our futures viable. It's hard to describe how grateful I am to the effort you continue to put in even when I can't see it. The stress is immense, but your heart is greater in comparison.
Mom, you learned to cook and clean, and sacrificed your education in order to raise us to be respectful, kind, and compassionate. You set the example. And I will forever be grateful.
BUT, instead of feeling grateful and loving, I always seemed to complain, change my mind, get agitated, and overreact to all the words and actions you meant with affection. I'm sorry.
It's hard to imagine a life without both of you. The superheroes who saved me from the hardships of life. Thank you for all that you have done so I could complain about the trivial things. I love you.