With finals week here all too soon I find myself swimming in a pool of deadlines and lack of sleep; maybe more like just trying to keep my head above water. Either way, its a lot. And I love it. 6 projects, 1 presentation, 1 test, 1 paper. Daunting isn’t it? Especially when you have to talk yourself into it every time you sit down to do homework and be somewhat productive.
But I am not alone in this. People still occupy the library at 3 am during this stressful week. There’s a known understanding that exists between us all, working into the late hours. “Get it done, that's all that matters. Sleep is for the week and you can’t afford that. You can sleep when you’re done, but you may never actually finish.”
But this is where I am thankful for my major. It’s during finals week that you notice everyone kicking it into full gear. Everyone is sleep deprived, mentally drained, and somehow still chugging along. Despite our different majors its the one time where you see truly just how unique the different programs are, and truly have an appreciation for them. I’m thankful that for my finals, I get to do projects that I’m interested, that I can stay up late at night doing something I love, and doing my best on it because I want to for myself. This applies to every major.
While I sit here doing design homework, I am beside a computer science major who is thrilled about coding and web functions, I am beside a nursing major who pushes herself so she can be the best in her field. How interesting it is that we all hold these different interests, and none of us are below the other. I am in awe of the different levels of thinking, the different levels of interest.
While I sit here working on a layout with printing that could take me hours, the student nurse probably wouldn’t understand how. As a friend once said to me “don’t you just have to print stuff out and put it in a box?” Not understanding that there was a method to it, and a tedious one at that. But then again I wouldn’t be able to pick up a computer or nursing book and tell you what I’m looking at. And I think that's kinda beautiful. That on this campus, you see how the world works. And how you need every person in their different fields to put their input and influence society. No one is beneath the other, and that is so important to understand.