Do you ever just lay in bed and think about all the little things in life? They actually do matter. Every second of everyday matters. The little things are usually taken for granted.
Occasionally, I just sit back and take in the little moments in life. The little moments build up to the big moments. Most people only remember the big things, but for me I remember the little things.
I remember when someone compliments me or asks me how my day is going. I remember all the spontaneous trips to the grocery store or to get ice cream. The littlest thing can change your life.
The little routine you do every week makes you who you are. Something as simple like watching Grey's Anatomy on Thursdays makes up who I am. I literally sprinted out of the park and raced home so I didn't miss it. Something as little as a TV show matters to me.
When my friend sends me a meme or tags me in something on social media it makes my day because it means they were thinking of me. When my friends show up to my job unexpectedly it means a lot because they were thinking of me.
People are too caught up in their own lives. Say hi to your neighbor. Stop for pedestrians. Just be nice to people because you don't know what their going through.
The smallest thing can change someone's day for the better. Send the people you love texts or memes it might brighten their day! I know it brightens mine.
At the end of the day the little things and moments in life are memories. Stop waiting for big things to come and enjoy the little things.