Throughout my life, I have developed an appreciation for the little things. The little things are the little joys you get in life or the things that show someone thought about you. These actions and words could change your entire day for the better or worse. It could be a smile form a stranger, a hug from a friend, or someone saving your unassigned assigned seat. Whatever it is, it makes you feel better.
I believe it’s these little things that strengthen connections between people, not necessarily the more noticeable actions. Don’t get me wrong, yes the larger gestures of love and kindness are needed, wanted, and appreciated but it’s the little things that mean the most. You feel like someone “gets” you because it takes someone attentive to observe the habits, fears, and ideas that make you you.
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So, I want to say a few of the little things my family and friends do that makes them superheroes:
1. You never let me get too emotional.
For someone who tries to disconnect themselves from emotions and emotional behavior, I can be quite sensitive. My inherent emotional nature breaks free whenever I feel wronged, lost, or guilty. I might yell, cry, or close myself off from those around me. It’s because of your calming techniques, support, and the occasional “Stop being a bitch” that I’ve been able to dial back my emotions quickly and effectively.
2. You let me keep the lights on.
I am nyctophobic. I am deathly afraid of the dark. My heart pounds, I begin to sweat, tears well in my eyes, and I begin to shake. And that’s if I act quickly. If not, I have a panic attack and completely fall apart. Not only that but all the emotions I’ve held back join in and I end up in a situation that gets worst by the second.
Because of that, I sleep with a light on around me, I keep the bathroom light on, and I make sure anywhere I go has a light to guide me. You guys understand that this is who I am and don’t complain too much about the lights.
3. You try not to drive too fast.
Like the dark, I am deathly afraid of getting into a car accident. In some aspects this fear is more frightening than my fear of the dark because it’s both physical and mental. With a little research I can see what might happen to me. I could fly through the window, have the car smashed while in it, or be trapped and unable to fight my way out.
Knowing how scary this is to me, you drive slower than usual. You try not to take the curving roads or streets with lots of wildlife. You even do the Mom Arm if you are breaking hard and always ask if I’m okay.
4. You deal with my lactose intolerance.
I must apologize yet again because I don’t think I’ll ever stop imbibing in the beautifulness that is dairy. I’ve tried almond, soy, 1%, 2%, and non-fat milk and although each have a different set of symptoms I will never be free. I will die with a grilled cheese in my hand.
I want to say thank you. Thank you for accepting me through the pains that my love of dairy puts me through. Thank you for putting up with it all because I know sleep farts get annoying and public farts are embarrassing. Thank you so must for understanding.
As a side note, my farts don’t stink. They just make the air smell weird.
5. You put up with my talkativeness.
If you’ve ever met me then you know that I talk way more than necessary. I’ll talk about absolutely anything. My filter is non-existent and I’m stingy with my fucks. This sometimes leads to misunderstandings and negative feedback but you guys continue to stand by me. Like the bosses you are, you’ve developed skills to shut me up or make me realize that I’ve said something rude or insensitive. You guys help me strive to think before I speak and speak purposefully.
These, along with many more, are some of the little things (which are probably big things) you guys do to help make my life easier and worthwhile. You are my support system and I will always be grateful for the love, care, and time you put into me.
Again, thank you for everything.
For the readers, notice the little things that are done for you. Then, make sure you let those who go out of their way for you know that you greatly appreciate them.