Love is so beautiful.
You feel as though you've created a team that can never be defeated no matter how many times they go out for battle.
I had a love that brought me so much happiness that I think my dimples became 5x deeper from the time I've spent smiling alongside the person that I thought was, "my person."
While I watched relationships around me fall apart, mine grew. I watched it grow into the greatest love-- and I was so proud to call it mine. Even in the midst of our worst, I could never imagine our team of two crumbling. You don't give up on the people you love. You just don't.
There came a day that I never expected. Not even during our lowest of lows would I have expected it to happen. You don't fear losing a love so great when it really is, great.
We split. No one expected it. Not our friends, not our families, not even me.
To me, true love is indomitable. I suppose it irks me when the word love is tossed around so lightly. It should be reserved for the people that make you, a better you. The people that won't agree with you just because it's what you prefer to hear. The ones that you talk to for hours on end because the conversation with them intrigues you more than anyone else. The ones that go beyond the surface and prove their devotion to you beyond materialism. The ones that keep you longing for your next hello, after every goodbye. The ones that stand beside you through every rainstorm, not just when the sun comes out. These are the people that you should value.
Obviously it hurts to lose a love. I don't think I loved anything more than I loved this person.
I tried to put myself in their shoes and understand why they did what they did. In choosing to walk away. And the truth is, that yes-- it may very well have been more convenient to give up as they did-- but the convenience of giving up isn't fulfilling.
Effort and results are fulfilling. If everything in life requires effort, why should relationships be any different? Persistence and hard work yield results, but you gave up. I don't believe in that.
Which is why I have come to realize that, although I wish this person the best, it's better this way. It's not better for the reasons they gave me- which with all respect- I believe they'll come to realize. But it's better for the following reasons:
1. I realized my worth. I never put myself on a pedestal-- but I put this person on one. Our breakup opened up my eyes to self-worth. I remember asking, "Is there anything about me you would change if you could?" to which they replied: "Not one thing, nothing." In hindsight, I realized I was looking for reassurance from someone ELSE when I should have been reassuring myself that I am worthy.
2. I learned. I learned that I was fighting for the wrong person. I would get into the most heated of arguments because I cared so much-- I had a relationship worth fighting for, and I'll always fight for things I value. But this relationship taught me to spend time and energy on those who will love you unconditionally through every up, and every down-- not to spend time on those who love you only when the condition is right for them. Don't trust words, trust actions. Don't promise something, just prove it.
3. Love is built on concrete, not bubble wrap. "Don't feel sad over someone who chose to give up. Feel sorry for them because they gave up on someone who would have never given up on them." This is one of the most important realizations I came to, and I genuinely feel sorry for the person that gave up on what they will mature to realize was irreplaceable. I am far from perfect, but I embrace my imperfections, as I did yours. I wish you the best of luck in replacing what you once had (emphasis on once).
4. Be with someone that will take every risk to be with you. The next person that enters my life has my word that I will never let fear or doubt get in the way of our relationship. Love is fearless. I promise to be your constant no matter the change. Fearing the future cripples the present.
5. If you don't appreciate them, someone else will.You'll live with one regret, I won't.
All my best,
The One That Got Away