Say Hello To Becoming A Sun Devil | The Odyssey Online
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Say Hello To Becoming A Sun Devil

Moving across the country to begin college as a Sun Devil.

Say Hello To Becoming A Sun Devil
Jessica Carnivale

Since December I have known that I will become a part of the Arizona State University but on Friday, April 20 it finally felt real. I've been getting the countless emails and have the tee shirt.

But at orientation, I got my first taste of the what being a Sun Devil feels like.

My hometown is Street, Maryland. It's a small town about 45 minutes south of Baltimore. The population of Street is 6,678. Now my major is Sports Journalism so I will be getting my degree at the Downtown Phoenix campus. Keep in mind that the population of Phoenix is 1.615 million. There's no doubt it's a big change but I'm not worried.

If you asked me a week ago if I'm worried about leaving my home to move to Phoenix there is a good chance I would have said yes. But now I have no doubt that I made the right decision to attend ASU in the fall. While I was on campus people kept telling me how it's a family and how everyone is looking out for your best interest.

My concern was getting lost in such a large school but my worries were put to rest when I began talking to both students and professors. Not to sound cliche, but I instantly felt like I was part of something, that I was supposed to be there.

Leaving orientation, I created friends that I didn't know I needed. My room advisor, my roommate, and even the dean. My idea of college life was so much different than what I got to witness at orientation. I got the opportunity to have one on one time with students who could actually answer the questions that students want to ask but are afraid to.

Overall, my concerns were put to rest when I realized I'm not the only one doing this and I know it might be hard sometimes but the students and faculty at ASU are there for you too. Even though your family might be thousands of miles away, there is going to be someone who will temporarily take their place and remind you why you are going to ASU in the first place.

Leaving home is a scary thought but knowing that I'm going to be at Arizona State's Downtown Phoenix campus gives me comfort. This is because I have meet the people there and know there is a place for me.

Forks up!

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