Okay Apple, I get it. You released the iPhone 7 which is basically the same as every other iPhone, an update that makes our phones look like Androids, and made some of our phones start to crash so we're forced to buy a new one (not a conspiracy theory, but the truth) so you're lost. You're out of ideas on cool updates for the iPhone, and you won't make the glass screen not crack (which we're all angry about I might add), but really earbuds with no cord honestly makes me laugh, it's such an obnoxiously bad idea.
Let's start with the name, AirPods. Really, you made them sound badass, like what even is an AirPod? Do they fly into my ear and play endless new music that I've never heard and am bound to love because you have all my information, and know everything about my music tastes? No, instead you release two tiny wireless earbuds that will get lost in my backpack before they even make it into a pocket. Not to mention what happens when you're walking to class and an earbud falls out? Now we get the pleasure of stopping in the middle of the mob of students power walking to class and hope that no one steps on it or kicks it, instead of just grabbing the wire and putting it right back in your ear. I'll give it to you, at first glance they did seem kind of cool, but after about 30 seconds of consideration, I realized the odds of me keeping track of them for more than a week are slim to none.
The next most important thing about these headphones to roast is the price. $159. Who wants to pay that much for earbuds? Not me. The earbuds that come with the iPhones are universally known to be uncomfortable after any extended amount of time and fall out every two seconds even if you're sitting still. If I wanted to pay over $100 for them, I'm completely positive I would buy Bose earbuds that are actually comfortable and have better sound quality, sorry Apple. One more quick thing to mention is that Apple isn't even giving these headphones to you if you're willing to shell out that minimum of $649 for the iPhone 7, but that's a rant for another time.
Last but not least, let's talk about the fact that you have to charge these things. I'll admit the charger sounds almost solid. Charging them for 15 minutes will give you 3 hours of battery life, but my issue is that I don't feel like having to make sure one more thing is charged or that I have the charger with me. I already carry around my Mac and iPhone charger in my backpack, so do I really want to add one more that I have to remember and risk not having usable headphones if I forget it? Obviously, I won't be purchasing these, but good try Apple, A for effort.