I'll never forget this one post I saw from Tumblr which gave a list of scenarios in which instead of telling someone you're sorry, thank them, for example:
When you arrive late somewhere, instead of saying sorry for being late, say thank you for waiting for me or thank you for being patient.
When you feel like you're not being coherent while having a conversation with someone, instead of apologizing for it, say thank you for taking the time to try to understand me.
I saw this post months ago and have been trying to put it into practice ever since. Without even realizing it, the word "sorry" just falls out, even if I'm not necessarily the one in the wrong. We sometimes even unconsciously apologize for things we really don't even need to be apologizing for. Apologizing should be used when the situation requires it but it should ONLY be used in those types of situations because, one, to give meaning to the word, two, to not put others in an uncomfortable position, three, to foster a more positive and confident mindset for yourself.
We give more meaning to a word or a phrase when it isn't used as often. It gives more significance to an apology when someone who doesn't usually throw the word "sorry" around, apologizes.
Point two is not something people usually think about and even I didn't until I started truly thinking about this topic. When someone says sorry too often and for seemingly minute things, it could put others in an uncomfortable position. On Tumblr, there was this post saying that if you are apologizing for being a jerk, the other person can only take it one of two ways (both of which could be detrimental to either party). The first way is the person could just agree that you were a jerk and the second way is that they end up saying it was no big deal. Most of the situations that I've dealt with have ended in me saying it was no big deal because of the way the other person was apologizing for it. I felt like I couldn't say my true feelings because I just felt bad.
The third point is that apologizing less frequently fosters a more self-empowering mindset. A mindset where you are more confident and more positive in all your relationships. The more and more you apologize for practically everything, it seems like you are apologizing for simply existing.
When you get rid of the word "sorry" as your go-to when getting through the day, you'll find yourself a happier person overall.