You could honestly apply this to any area in your life and I have no doubt that every person out there has wanted to scream this at the top of their lungs one time or another. Throughout my life, I have answered many personal questions, some to people who had no business asking but nevertheless, I answered. What's your major in college? Are you dating anyone? What are your plans for the next five years? I answer with as much as I'm willing to reveal and usually I get a scrunched-up face and the plain look of judgment.
I'm sorry, you asked, and I answered. I don't need your judgment.
It's called my life. That's a possessive pronoun in front of the world life and frankly, if you don't approve of my choices, I don't care. Did I set out on a career path that isn't easy? Yes, I did and no, I don't regret it. I have goals in my life, and I know I didn't choose easy ones but that doesn't bother me so why do you feel you can be all judgmental about?
I call it ambition and you call it stupidity. Whatever. I'm still going to try my hardest and you're still going to judge so let's save some energy here.
Maybe ten years later, you'll look at my life and say "Tried to tell her but she didn't listen. Now, look at her." You can say that, but I won't feel bad for my ambition. I didn't grow up wishing for an easy life with goals that I barely have to make an effort to achieve. I dream big and whether or not those dreams pan out, I will enjoy every second that you think I am wasting to get me to where I want to be.
They might be wasted years, or they might be the pathway to me getting ahead in life. I'm not sorry and you shouldn't point your nose in the air at my decisions. Live your life and I'll live mine.
You'll find that refusing to pass judgment saves you a whole lot of energy.