About a year ago my friend and I went to go buy his girlfriend a dog because she wanted one as bad as she wanted my friend. The dog was about 2 hours away in Greensboro, North Carolina. On Craigslist it was listed as a 3-month-old male Snorkie, which is a mix between a Yorkie and a Schnauzer. My friend offered his owner $300 dollars, which is pretty cheap for a dog his breed. Our journey started once the owner of the dog agreed to my friend's offer. We hopped into his 1998 BMW hatchback and went off to see the dog.
The drive wasn't so bad, but I drank a lot of water before we left so we had to stop about three times. I didn't know what to expect before we got him because I never had a dog growing up. I didn't even really understand why owners got so attached to their dogs. I didn't understand why my friend's girlfriend wanted a dog so bad. So my friend and I arrive at the destination that he and the owner decided on, which was some gas station. The owner was in a white Ford Fusion, so we drove around looking for them but we didn't see anyone. My friend decides to park, and in the corner of his eye, he sees a woman coming out of her car with the smallest dog I've ever seen.
The dog could barely open its eyes, and his fur was as soft as a shag carpet. My friend told me to let him lay in between my legs because he was so little, and he didn't want him to get cold. He placed him on my lap and all I felt was him shivering. He was initially scared when we got him, but he ended up calming down about 30 minutes into the car ride back home. As he sat on my lap I started to understand why people love dogs so much. I knew the dog wasn't mine, but for some reason, he comforted me. I rubbed his head the entire ride so he knew that he was safe, and I think he knew that we were his new family.
Once we made it back to Charlotte my friend decided to surprise his girlfriend with the dog. We drove up to her apartment and told his girlfriends roommate to sneak us through the front door. Then she called his girlfriend to come downstairs, and as soon as she saw the dog she started to cry. It was a cool moment because after holding the dog for two hours in a car, I began to understand why she wanted him.
She did end up naming the dog Apollo, I don't honestly know why she named him Apollo, but I always liked the name. Apollo is about a year old now and he's still chewing and licking anything and everyone he sees. We play all the time when I see him, and he wags his tail every time he sees me. He may not be my dog, but he'll always be my friend.