The United States of America in 2016 is one of the most prosperous nations in the history of the world. On the surface, this is an excellent deal for millennials. However, we seem to be losing our drive to keep the status quo. We seem to be so focused on our cell phones, Netflix and relationships that we lost how to deal with issues in the real world. We have taken a lackluster view of politics, religion, art, history etc. We seem to have been handed everything we could ask for in life and therefore have an apathetic view of hard work.
We should take four steps towards becoming less apathetic in our society. The first is to lessen our time on our cell phones. We almost seem to become numb to the real world because we are so focused on a digital screen that gives us instant gratification.
Step number two is that we should spend more time in public. Instead of watching Netflix, go to a museum, go out and experience the real world. We become lazy and disengaged when we are attached to our cell phones laying in our beds all day. If we could put our efforts into society instead of our cell phones, we could be the greatest generation that ever walked through this country.
Step three would be to engage ourselves in the classroom instead of the club. Why did we stop wanting to achieve greatness in every single aspect of life? We have accepted being average. Let's keep focused on learning, exploring, and achieving. Apathy will not be able to enter our lives if we stay focused on these tips. A classroom is a place for us to learn about our past and change the future with that knowledge. We are more focused on reading tweets than what is important in life.
Step four is a little different than the past three tips. We have a lot of heartbreak in our generation. People are apathetic towards relationships, loving things and hating people. We have to change our mindsets; our relationships are failing and we become desensitized to the emotion of loving each other.
Don't get me wrong, every generation has their faults. However, being a part of the millennials, I feel a stronger passion toward our generation striving to be the best. I truly hope our apathy is not the downfall of an intelligent generation. If we can focus on these easy tips, then we can make our country and our world a better place. The drive that our parents had to put us in such an amazing position in the world will all be for nothing if we do not rid our apathy towards the real world. Maybe, just maybe, our reputation as millennials will change the mind of others around us.