Living in a college apartment can feel like a meaningless perk. Sure, you have a kitchen, but you have no access to (or money for) any groceries. Well, hopefully there is some sort of convenient store on campus or near by so you can get the basics. IF you do, then you are about to become the next Gordon Ramsey because these dishes will become the favorites of all your friends. So let's get started.
1. Grilled Cheese Lasagna
This is the first thing my friends and I cooked together. You're gonna wanna butter a casserole dish, then butter some bread. Put bread in dish, butter side down. Layer of cheese, layer of bread, layer of cheese, then some buttered bread, placed butter side up. It kinda slaps.
2. Campbell's soup Popsicles
Pour a Campbell's soup of your choice into a cup. Freeze it with a pencil or pen in the center (you can cover with cling wrap so it stays in place). Once it is solid, lick away!
3. Poached Oreo's
Take some marinara, or, as the Italians say, Madadad sauce, and pour it in a pot. Then, just dump in a case of Oreo's, let simmer on stove for 6 hours. Enjoy!
4. Dirty dish scrap leftovers
After you eat, take the stuff from the plate and scrape it into a pot. Keep doing that until the pot is full. Eat contents. Yummmm.
5. Pasta cooked in Popcorn kernel broth
So after you microwave popcorn, save the unpopped kernels. Put them in a pot with some water and let it boil for 10 minutes. Stirring occasionally. Then, save the water, get the kernels out, and cook pasta in the popcorn water. Delish.
6. SeltzlesÂ
Take some pretzels, which you can just take from the airplanes. Now dump them in a pot with seltzer filled to the brim. Now boil that down until you are just left with solids. Boom. Seltzles.
7. Cookie dough ravioli
So this one is actually kinda fun. You take an Uncrustable (any flavor), cut a slit in it, then shove raw cookie dough in the center, and fry it in some oil on a pan on the stove.
8. Baked cold cuts
You can easily get ham, salami, sliced turkey, bologna and any other sliced meet at a local deli. Just put some of those in a pot and throw it in the oven at 475 for 50 minutes. Voila. Food for a king.
9. Mix every spice you got, and drip some Tyson nuggets in it.
That's pretty much it, actually.
- The Importance Of Cooking In College ›
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