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15 Ways Apartment Life is WAY Better Than Dorm Life

More freedom? Yes, please.

15 Ways Apartment Life is WAY Better Than Dorm Life

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Transitioning to apartment life can be scary, but it oh so worth it. Dorm life was great for the first two years of my college experience, but by the end of my sophomore year, I was done. I moved into an apartment with a friend and someone I didn't really know, but she was in my sorority. I had high hopes of apartment living, and so far, I only have mild complaints. It has been so much fun and an excellent way to teach me what I will be doing once I graduate.

So, if you're hesitant about moving off campus into an apartment, or house, here are 15 reasons why you should!

1. No RA

No more worrying about your RA yelling at you for being loud after quiet hours. No more going to pointless floor meetings. What a concept!

2. No fire drills at 2 a.m.

Now you can sleep through the night without worrying some stupid resident is going to burn their popcorn or Hot Pocket.

3. No meal plans

I think we can all agree that campus food can get old really quickly. Now, you can pack snacks and lunch that you actually want. Plus, you can eat on campus periodically and it won't get old as fast.

4. No fire safety checks

You can light candles and have wax melters in an apartment. No more hiding counterfeit items and putting them up later. They can be out in the open for all to see.

5. Free parking

You're basically guaranteed a good parking space because the apartment lots aren't that big. Plus, it's an amenity included in the rent payments. So, no extra fee.

6. Privacy

With an apartment, you don't have to worry about people walking by your room when you have the door open. Or random people just walking in to say hi.

7. Freedom

Being off campus, your apartment building is probably tucked away on a street or behind busy streets. Needless to say, the only people around are the people that live around you and you're avoiding the hustle and bustle of traffic.

8. Your own bathroom

I share a bathroom with one of my roommates, and that is definitely better than a community bathroom or sharing two with five other people. You don't have to worry about people walking in on you while you're pooping and that is great.

9. A full kitchen

You no longer need to check kitchen supplies out from the front desk. Or risk trying to make something while the kitchen is already in use.

10. Your own room

Unless you had a single dorm room, this will be a huge plus. You can bring as much stuff as you want and spread out accordingly. You might even have more room than you can fill, which is an unknown concept to students living in dorms.

11. Bigger closet

Dorm closets are tiny. You can only fit so many items in a dorm, the closets included. I now have way more room than I need. In addition to clothes, I have put suitcases, bags, food, my laundry bin, and other miscellaneous items in my closet. And there's still room to spare.

12. No worrying about random roommates

In most cases, people who live off campus choose which of their friends to live with. In my case, my friend and I took a leap of faith and roomed with a girl we didn't really know, but we didn't have many options. Other than that, most people don't have to deal with random roommates.

13. You save money

Dorm rates are incredibly expensive, and rent isn't nearly as expensive. Even with utilities and Internet expenses, the price difference is that apartment life is, in fact, cheaper.

14. Less noise and sistractions

In a dorm, all of the rooms are crammed together and most times you can hear loud music and such through the walls. In an apartment, it is harder to hear what your neighbors are doing.

15. Easier to have guests over

Having friends stay the night in dorms are hard. Unless you have a futon or couch, it is nearly impossible. However, in an apartment, there is a living room with couches and rooms with lots of space. Plus, you won't feel all congested in an apartment.

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