Hey guys!
I've only known some of you for about two months now, but I just want to say thank you.
Thank you in advance for loving me despite all the times you'll inevitably see me at less than my best.
Thank you for the day we spent in class assigning nicknames to everyone (I have been dubbed "Teeny").
Thank you for being weird with me, and for laughing along when I make stupid jokes that we both know are not funny.
Thank you for being TV-watching buddies when I'm too lazy to actually socialize but I still don't want to be alone.
Thank you for being someone to talk to. Most of you RC friends are freshmen, so we're all getting our bearings in this new place together. And to my upperclassmen friends, thank you for teaching me about RC and Rochester life!
To my friends in the theatre department, thank you for bringing your talents to this school. I love hearing you sing and watching you perform, and I cannot wait to share the stage with you one of these days!
To my friends in other departments or at other schools, thank you for teaching me more about non-theatre things. I love watching you light up when you talk about your passions and I could sit there and listen to you talk forever.
College is really difficult. We're sleep deprived and we're stressed, our majors will push us to our limits and make us question if it's all worth it. We're either broke or getting there fast, and sometimes we just need support.
Over the years we will become each other's critics, but at the end of the day, we are each other's biggest fans.
Thank you for being people in my life.
I cannot wait to grow and learn with you all.
Love always, Maddie.