The foundation of a healthy and strong body is your core. Everything can be traced back to a strong core, whether directly or supplementary. A simple example that everyone of all shapes and sizes and levels of fitness can relate to is posture. When you have a stable core, you stand straighter (plus then your Mom won't yell at you to improve your posture when you visit her).
In this video, I demonstrate 10 ab exercises. Effective ab circuits can be comprised of just a few moves for a limited number of sets. When your form is proper and you slow down the motions, you work your core! For me, I pick 3 exercise, 20 repetitions each for 3 sets and take a 1-minute break in between sets. I just do this twice a week. Plus these exercises you can do anywhere! Do them in your bedroom, dorm room, a hotel, the floor of your office during your lunch break if you have no shame (I probably would #sorrynotsorry).
Try a few. Switch it up each week. Strengthen your core and thank me later :) For more ab ideas, check my Instagram
Exercise List:
Straight Leg Sit-ups
Straight Leg Sit-ups with a Twist
Reverse Crunches
Leg Lifts
Reach for the Stars
Russian Twists
Knee Tucks
Plank: (check out for more ideas)