Have you ever noticed how much negativity there is in our culture today? It is everywhere: at work, school, on social media, and in casual conversations between friends – it's seen even in talking to people in passing at the grocery store. It is as if our culture is drowning in it.
People seem to thrive on putting other people down and dwelling on negative or tragic events. On social media, you can hardly scroll through without seeing numerous arguments over politics, religion, or world events. You may even see someone publicly complaining about their significant other, child or family member via social media.
People don't seem to hesitate to blast their negative opinion all over the place (and apparently their opinion is the only correct one). This is a serious problem in our culture in general, but is especially an issue when it comes to social media. Perhaps it is the anonymity of social media that makes it so easy to comment anything that pops into one's head. It's easy! You just type, press comment, and boom! You've given your opinion. It's your opinion. You had every right to do it. And the consequences of it don't seem so intimidating because you are not speaking to someone face to face.
Whether it is judgmental, political bashing, body shaming, mom shaming, religious argument, gossiping or any number of things, it seems that more and more commonly, anything goes on social media. And that anything is so often negative.
Why do people feel that this is acceptable? Do they take joy in hurting other people – in making others feel small and worthless? Do they find joy in always being negative?
This is such a wrong way of looking at the world. It cannot be healthy to always be so negative and angry towards everyone and everything. Not only that, but this approach to life only goes to promote the anger and hatred we see in the hysteria associated with people like Donald Trump, and movements like Black Lives Matter.
Instead, we should live life looking for the positive. We should live life looking for ways to encourage others. That gives life purpose. And social media can be used in just that way: with purpose.
On the other hand, I believe that living life with such a negative outlook actually pulls purpose away from life. In living life constantly judging others, gossiping, shaming and arguing, we are tearing ourselves and others apart. We are living with little purpose, and that is very, very sad.
There is an old saying which sets a good standard. It says, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”
While it is an old saying, it holds true for today. Think about what you say. If you don't have anything nice, please don't say anything. Let's spread positivity, and live a life with purpose.