This is a word we hear all the time. People have anxiety about a lot of things, especially when it comes to college. We have anxiety about tests, assignments, careers. But what happens when this anxiety becomes blended with everything else? What happens when your anxious about everything? This is me. I'm a 19 year-old woman in college trying to figure it all out.
I have anxiety about everything! From what to wear, sleeping, eating, ok pretty much anything you can think of. Now the question becomes: How do you juggle it all?
Having anxiety in college feels like another thing added into the "triangle". We all know the triangle, right? It goes like this: Pick two out of the three: sleep, social life, school. Well now it becomes a square that includes: sleep, managing anxiety, social life, and school. Well now do we get to pick three? It all becomes a jumbled mess.
However, here is what I have learned.
1: Make sure to carve out thinking time! For people with anxiety it is a necessity to have some alone time where we process the day and reflect.
2: Make sure you have friends who understand your anxiety! I have gone through so many people who don't understand why I have to be in bed by a certain time, or why I have to do a certain routine before bed, or why I can't stay long at something because my anxiety is up for no reason. A support system while your far away from home will do wonders for the anxiety, it lets you know people are there and they understand.
3: Never be afraid to be who you are! This is something I have personally struggled with my whole life, and within my first year and second year here at Roanoke College. I was scared that people would not accept the nervous mess I thought I was, so I would put on a facade, and then that would lead people to never understand why I disappeared, or why my emotions fluctuated more than the average person.
So, thinking time (alone), support system, and expressing who you are are just some of the things I do to manage this anxiety. Yes I have panic attacks more than I should, yes I probably am not as social as the next person, but I'm me. I am a person with anxiety, OCD, and panic disorder, and everyday I am learning what that means and how I fit into the world with this anxiety. The journey ahead will be long, but I am ready to take on life, and I hope this inspires you to do so as well. Anxiety, no anxiety, or any other disorder, people are here and people know what you are going through. Be yourself, and your well on your way.