" Anxiety is not a real thing. Anxiety doesn't hold you back, it's all in your head. Anxiety is just an excuse. Anxiety is not a real mental illness."
If you are having any of those thoughts you are someone who has never experienced anxiety. You have never been in a McDonald's play place, and feel like the world is closing around you, and you can't breathe. You have never over analyzed situations so much, that that over analyzing held you back from life. Held you back from making close relationships because your other friendships blew up in your face.
Anxiety is a real disease folks. Anxiety can never be cured. You live with anxiety your whole live, until you decide to do something about it. I have honestly had anxiety my whole life, and being in college has made it worse. It wasn't until the summer of my senior year of college that I decided to do something about my anxiety. I was put on anxiety medication, and I have honestly never been happier with life. I am not as moody, I don't over analyze things, I am not letting my thoughts control my life, and I am not afraid to step out of my comfort zone.
Moral of the story, Anxiety is a real thing. Anxiety is not curable, but you can manage it in life. Don't let people bring you down about your mental illness, and don't let your mental illness control your life. Live life to the full because LIFE IS SO SHORT.
Peace & Blessings.