My anxiety has stopped me from going out, trying new things, and living in the moment. It has also caused overthinking, overreacting, and extreme impulses. It has shown me, me at my worst but today, it has brought me to my best.
Contrary to the failed relationships, it has not stopped me from giving up on love. It has not stopped me from going out of my comfort zone to be the crazy fun girl I have always been. Even though there is a voice in my head telling me I am not good enough, I fight it. I make myself good enough.
I am good enough.
I strive for perfection even after I have a day of failure. I pick myself back up and start over. I work harder to prevent the anxiety. Prevent the invasiveness of my negative thoughts and voice in my head telling me I can not.
I will never be ok with mental health getting in the way of my dreams.
I will never give up due to fear. Fear is my motivation. My aspirations are going absolutely nowhere.
I have had general anxiety disorder all my life and know that this is just the beginning.
Addressing the issue and dealing with it is only the start. I know I will always deal with this. Just differently now. I will continue to have slip ups, mishaps, and bad days, but ultimately know I will be ok. I will cry it out, confide in a friend, or look internally until I do.
Having anxiety does not mean I will not make it. I, Isabelle Adler, am going places.
Will my life be harder? Probably. Will I second guess myself? Yes. Am I going to continue to be my best me? Absolutely.
My anxiety, has made me see and find the best me. The me that faces my fears and does the things my head tells me not to. I walk into tests with my head held high, I make ballsy decisions, and I live my best life without ever looking back and apologizing for my mistakes.
Today, I am my best me. Thank you anxiety.