“I get nervous about everything, sometimes I literally don’t know why I’m anxious I just am and no one seems to understand that”
My safety harness that never comes off.
A wall that’s in front of me that I simply can’t knock down.
The door that I can’t find the key to unlock.
You hold me back and I hate you.
I don’t know if everyone is able to understand the severity of suffering from anxiety. I know there’s so many forms of it and speaking for myself, I know I suffer from a minor form of anxiety, but it still consumes much of my life,
Anxiety. Like an abusive lover who doesn’t want you to break free. He’s wants all my attention and keeps me from feeling anything remotely positive. Opportunities are just a dream I can’t seem to grasp because he won’t let me. There are so many things I want to do, but just can’t because the fear. I don’t even know what the fear is. Anything and everything makes me feel so nervous.
What makes us subjected to anxieties tight grip? Why can’t we overcome it? Why is it not just a part of my life, but is my life? As we get older and new priorities come into light, what do you do? When you’re too scared to anything that requires growth? The safety net that childhood provided for you is stripped from you and there is nothing you can do. It’s such a scary thing. People tell you to just get out of your comfort zone more often and that you’ll just get used to it. But what if you just can’t? It’s such a hard battle. But we are strong and will win the battle sooner or later. Anxiety does not rule you and will never rule you. Never give up the fight and let it become you. Only you can overcome it or let it devour you. You hold the key to your future and all we can do is just keep fighting.
“Do not drown in your own emotions. Take a breather, regain your strength, do not let what worries, control you”