As college students, we experience stress on a daily basis and it's pretty normal for us to feel a little overwhelmed. Tests, GPAs, keeping up friendships, and paying for groceries are all things that can cause us a good deal of anxiety. But what if you have more than just "regular" stress? What about anxiety disorders? Maybe you think people with anxiety are overreacting, or you brush it off because everyone's anxious, right? Maybe you don't even think mental health issues are real issues. To me, it seems like there's not a lot being said about what people with an anxiety disorder are going through.
So let me say, anxiety is unpredictable. You never really know for sure what's going to freak you out until it happens. You never know how bad it's going to be until you're there in the moment. When you wake up in the morning, you won't know if you'll have anxiety attack that day, you just have to wait and see.
Anxiety is irrational. Those with anxiety are often afraid of things they shouldn't be (or simply afraid for no reason at all). It was explained to me like this: Your brain has separate file cabinets for safe and unsafe things, and anxiety is the thing that mixes all of those files up. It doesn't make sense, but the fear and worry are genuine.
Anxiety is creative. Being in a constant fight-or-flight mode makes you think of some really random situations, and even more creative ways to deal with them. It also means that you can become convinced of things that have a .001% chance of happening (like convincing yourself your house will burn down, even though you checked your straightener AND the oven three times before you left).
Anxiety is sometimes silent. It doesn't always have to be a massive panic attack that leaves you curled up into a ball on the floor. Sometimes it's your heart racing for no reason, your palms sweating constantly, or getting lost in your thoughts of "what if?" You very well may never know if someone you love has anxiety unless they tell you.
Anxiety is more common than you think. Our anxiety convinces us that we are alone, but the numbers say otherwise. Anxiety is found to be one of the most common mental health problems in college students, right alongside depression. Whether you've had anxiety for years or have just developed it recently, I can promise you that you are not the only one.
If you or someone you know may have an anxiety disorder, don't be afraid to seek help. Many campuses offer mental health services for free or at a heavily reduced price for their students, so check it out. At the very least, don't be afraid to open up to family and friends you trust.