This is something I wrote from a scientific perspective. Its purpose is to mesh biological processes to that of the much simpler.
All we look for is the cure or solution for a problem we are trying to fix. Because an antidote will fix all of the feelings we are having or solve the obstacle we are trying to over come. Like enzymes, we are trying to find and inhibitor to take the place of the substrate. Some use chemical enhancers to inhibit the bad from the good. Others use more bad to be numb the good. Like any antidote, we are looking for an inhibitor to compete with that substrate, with those feelings of self doubt and darkness. And like enzymes we think temporary solutions are antidotes, which may be true but they're not a cure. They just inhibit the emotion to allow for a little time to run. Out-competing a substrate cannot last forever, substrates may become immune to an inhibitor over time. Anything can become immune to repetition over time. Like enzymes, the only way to dominate the substrate is to produce more inhibitors than substrate. Just as producing more solutions can create a cure. Solving issues is not about finding an antidote, because an antidote can be anything really, we just have to use it the right way. Curing problems is about discovering enough inhibitors to equal or balance out the substrate.