Ah, September.
The month of Labor Day, the first day of fall, and of course, the new semester starting. Now, my university starts back in late August, but most of that is just syllabus days and going over things you need to know to be successful in the class. But September is really when the ball starts rolling.
Ross Geller, our favorite paleontologist, can relate as he is a professor at NYU.
1. Thinking about summer like:
Remember when we were on a break?
2. Trying to move into your dorm room in the building with no elevator.
Really? This building? You got lucky it has central air.
3. When your new roommate tells you WAY too much information about themselves.
Girl, just tell me when you need me to leave. That's all I need to know.
4. That feel when your teacher assigns your first homework assignment.
5. When the dining hall runs out of chocolate chip cookies.
Screw all you guys, I'm going to Subway.
6. When that one sorority girl is way too excited in your 7 a.m. class.
Shhhhh..I haven't finished my coffee yet.
7. That feeling of rebellion when you order pizza at 3AM because you can.
It will give me a huge stomach ache in the morning, but it's so worth it.
8. When your nerd side comes out to your roommates.
Except for me, it's more like Star Wars and Doctor Who, but I digress,
9. When a jerk boy ruins your Saturday night plans.
It's fine, you'll get over him in a week.
10. Going a little too hard on an assignment, and then looking like a complete idiot for it.
I mean, it was worth the extra credit though.
11. When your roommates eat your food without asking.
12. When your university throws a welcome week party and there's a talent show.
Yes, I do have talent. My music is so personal I play it on a synthesizer.
13. Trying to sneak out of class early so you can go nap.
14. When you see your friends from last semester.
You don't have any classes together this semester, and you won't see them again until graduation.
15. And finally, when you gather up all your dirty laundry, only to find out all the washers are taken.
It's okay, there's always next week.