You guys are probably thinking that a LEGO video game made it on this list, but unfortunately you’re out of luck. Although "LEGO Star Wars" was my game when I was young, I’m old and have responsibilities now, and therefore I’ve grown out of the "rated E for everybody" games and slowly transitioned into the realm of rated M games. Kids video games now don’t appeal to me, except for the ones that I played as a kid. I still play Pokemon and Mario games, but now that I have a full beard, people would surely question a man playing the new LEGO video game with some woman's 4-year-old son in a Blockbuster (true story). She sarcastically stated I was "too old to play" and referred me to play the violent video games for "big boys," but I was simply reliving my childhood. Kinda sucks how there are even standards within society toward gamers. Whatever, without further ado, here are the most anticipated games of 2016 and they’re all rated M.
"Quantum Break"
Action/Adventure third person shooter. The story takes place as you, Jack Joyce, a time manipulator. Your powers enable you to stop time momentarily, allowing you to run for cover, fire bullets at unsuspecting enemies or flank enemies from behind. I would totally use my powers to stop time every time my mom gives me a lecture. Put her on the roof or something...
"Dark Souls 3"
Horror/Adventure third person RPG. All right, let’s get it clear here. This ain’t no health regenerating CoD sh*t. Death means everything. The story hasn’t been leaked, but as far as the previous two games in the installment, "Dark Souls 3" should mean more crazy monsters to fight, a variety of customizations for your role player and many memorable moments of you throwing your controller out the window because now you have to do the entire level over… and it already took you 30 minutes to get that far. Sucks to suck.
Horror/Action first person shooter. You're a demon ass-kicking, badass, super soldier who fights the forces of evil. Like, you literally fight demons, which I guess is as bad as it comes to evil, right? The multiplayer looks like "Halo" meets "Mortal Kombat."
"Homefront: The Revolution"
Action/Adventure open world first person shooter. It takes place in 2029, when America has been invaded by the Greater Korean Republic. You play as a rebel fighting for freedom. You play as Ethan “Birdy” Brady, a young resistance member who fights to take back his home of Philadelphia. Thanks, Obama/Trump.
"Mirror's Edge: Catalyst"
Action/Adventure open world first person shooter. You're a parkour Asian chick who’s insanely good at dodging bullets and running on poles. Like damn, I can’t even balance myself when I take a piss.
"No Man’s Sky"
Sci-fi/Adventure open universe first person shooter. You fly spaceships from planet to planet in a massive universe with, I believe, over a hundred planets to explore. It’s like you're a pilot of an X-wing exploring the Star Wars galaxy. You can customize your jet and interact with countless AIs, both friend and foe.
"Dishonored 2"
Stealth/Thriller first person RPG. A personal favorite of mine, the first "Dishonored" game introduced us to Corvo Attano, a once bodyguard for the Queen now rogue assassin bent on finding the murders who killed the Queen and kidnapped her daughter, Emily. There are two distinct routes that will have dire consequences to the ending: be stealthy and avoid conflicts with the enemy or just say “to hell with it” and kill everyone simply because you can. The more people you kill, the further you will lean toward the bad, rather than being sneaky and not hurting anyone. In "Dishonored 2," however, you can play as either Corvo Attano or the Empress, Emily Kaldwin. A great game with a great story.
"Tom Clancy’s the Division"
Adventure/action third person RPG. It’s like "Fallout" but in New York, and it’s in the near future. You're a government sleeper agent whose main goal is restore order to the Big Apple. There’s a virus that infects most of the citizens of Manhattan and then everyone evacuates except infected people, people trying to stop the infection (yourself), and gangs, because they have nothing better to do. I guess that’s what people want to do when there’s an apocalypse instead of trying to help cure the virus—that way, everyone can go back to the way their lives were. Gaming logic.
"Horizon Zero Dawn"
Action/Adventure third person RPG. You basically play as Ygritte from "Game of Thrones" and fight robot dinosaurs. That’s the best description I can give you.
"For Honor"
Action third person hack and slash. It’s during the Medieval period where you can play as either a Viking, knight or samurai, and it looks really dope. The mechanics behind the gameplay seem to be foreign for most gamers but because of its originality, I’m sure it will come out to be one of the best games of 2016.