Feeling stressed, overwhelmed, confused, and tired. Here are 4 ways to de- stress during finals week.
1. Take a Break and Watch Netflix
Its important to take breaks when studying. Studying to much can make you feel very overwhelmed and uneasy. Their are lots of new, fun shows to watch on Netflix that will make the perfect study break.
Exercise is very important during times of stress. It can help relieve nerves and can help calm you down. Personally, whenever I am stressed out hitting the gym for a good spin class is always a plus.
3. Go for a walk
As silly as it sounds sometimes going for a walk around campus can help relieve stress. Sometimes its really important to get your mind off work and go for a stroll.
4. Pet a dog
Theres nothing like seeing dogs around campus, especially at UD they are everywhere! Go pet a dog it will calm you down I guarantee you.