Normally, I am not one for political commentary. I don’t like the immediate disagreeable-ness that comes with it, and the very large chance of insulting or infuriating someone by accident. However, due to the recent news of the refugee ban, I think it is time to speak out about what I, and many others believe- but in the most un-political way I possibly can.
I would like to start off by referencing the children’s show the Backyardigans. Now for those who are not familiar with this show, it centers around a group of children who go on all sorts of adventures together, and are all different animals of different bright, pleasing-to-children colors. There is a blue penguin, and orange moose, a yellow hippopotamus, a purple kangaroo, and the created for the show, adorably named Uniqua, a pink animal with spots.
I know what you are probably thinking- “Okay great, thank you for explaining children’s television to me, but what does that have anything to do with the ban?”
Well, think about it like this. These kids, all of different races, colors, and ethnicities (Canada and Australia were mentioned as the homelands of two of the characters), all are able to be great friends, play together and be there to assist one another when they are in trouble. When something bad happens to one character, all the others are there offering a way to help. If children are familiar with this idea and can understand the need to help friends in need, regardless of how they look or where they are from, parents, adults, and leaders should be able to as well- shouldn’t they? Well, as is it appears, that’s apparently not the case.
On the topic of children, imagine your childhood growing up with your parents or guardians, and regardless of strained relationships or tough times, think about how normal it seems to have had a roof over your head and some sort of reassurance in food, clothing in healthcare. Now imagine how different your childhood would be without that. Imagine how scary it would be to be without parents and without knowing where you will be growing up. Next, imagine what it would be like to have the life mentioned first and have it taken from you, just because your parents aren’t born in the country they are living in, despite having necessary paperwork. How would your life be changed forever?- it is almost imaginable. However, for so many young children in this country it is unfortunately a very, very real thing.
No matter your political affiliation or opinions on these events, there is one thing for certain- this is the America of today. Whether you see this as an appropriate action or something very, very awful, the discrimination remains the same. Either way, innocent people looking for better lives are being put in situations that are dangerous and heartbreaking to them, as well as their families. Something needed to be done about it- but whether it was the right thing or not…. I certainly don’t think so.