Ferguson, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Dallas, Charlotte, Tulsa - We hear the story over and over again. A police man or woman shoots an unarmed black victim, victim dies, the policeman is tried in the court, riots begin.
There is absolutely no denying that there is racial tension in our country. The current presidential race focuses on issues regarding minorities and the recent silent protests by NFL players continue to make the news. African Americans feel oppressed, and they deserve to in most cases. However, as I watch the protests of the people of Charlotte as they react to the death of Keith Lamont Scott, I am appalled. On September 20, 2016, the Charlotte police began a search for a man with an outstanding warrant. Around 4 PM, Scott was seen sitting in his car. As the police confronted him, they noticed an object in his hand. None of us will ever know if this object was a book, a candy bar, or a gun, but in the immediate moment, the police felt threatened and shot. Scott has since died, but the protests have not ceased.
There is something to be said about standing up for what one believes in. Please do, actually, I encourage you all. But the signs reading “End Police” and “No Justice, no peace, no terror, NO police” are sickening. The terror caused to law-abiding citizens by pillaging stores, neighborhoods, and streets is unacceptable. Committing crimes to make a point is twisted. Educated Americans should let the system play out and make their opinions heard without becoming unpunished felons.
There are good police and there are bad police, just as there are good people and bad people. However, a few mishandled situations have created a narrative about how corrupt our police force is and that is simply untrue. These men and woman are some of the bravest in our country. They put on their uniforms face what may be their last day, every day, and they do it to protect us - the citizens of this country.
If people think that the entire police force is evil, racist, and should be disbanded, I encourage them to think again. The sad fact is, people are killed unfairly by police. But, thousands are saved by the police force every day. If they didn’t exist, the country would be a zoo. Animals running around, pillaging and plundering, killing, committing any obscene crime that they wanted.
So please, RESPECT the police. There is never a situation where crazed protesting is appropriate and there is NEVER a situation where it is okay to disrespect the ones who keep us safe every day.