Before beginning this article, please keep in mind that I am not trying to change your beliefs on the morality of abortion. What I'm trying to say is that whether or not you believe a fetus is a life, a woman has the right to her privacy and there are many deadly complications that will result from the outlawing of abortion.
Abortion has been one of the most controversial debates in American judicial history since the 1950's. In 1973, the debate was taken to the Supreme Court in the case Roe v. Wade. The Court held that a woman's right to an abortion was constitutional since every American is given the constitutional right of privacy. Despite your views, the right to an abortion has already been established and the debate should have ended there. There should be no reason that politicians and "pro-life" activists are still fighting against a Supreme Court decision.
The reason I put "pro-life" in quotes is because it is not an accurate label for those who oppose abortion for women.
If you are "pro-life" and reading this, I understand that I will probably not be able to change your mind or how you feel. What I'm aiming to do is make you realize that you do not have to be pro-abortion to be pro-choice. In fact, there is a reason it is called pro-choice and not pro-abortion. A woman is allowed the ability to choose whatever is best for her, and if it is not your baby or your body then you simply should not have a say.
In addition to privacy, there are many complications arising from pregnancy and giving birth. It is also not acceptable for a child to grow up unwanted and to a parent(s) who are not emotionally, physically, or financially prepared. There is nothing "pro-life" about this.
Keep in mind: No one who gets an abortion - wants - an abortion.
Myth #1 Abortions are dangerous.
When performed by a licensed and trained physician, an abortion is extremely safe with a .01% death rate. Giving birth is about thirteen times more deadly than an abortion. When an abortion is performed illegally by nonprofessionals, usually because of inaccessibility to an abortion clinic or because abortions are outlawed, that is where the danger lies. 68,000 women die each year due to these "back alley" abortions. The bottom line is this: when women do not have access to safe abortions, they will find other means to terminate their pregnancies. So even if this contradicts your beliefs and morals, wanting to outlaw the procedure is very anti-life and dangerous for women.
Myth #2: Adoption is the better option.
I understand there are other means a woman can take, such as adoption. However, by believing this, it implies that women only get abortions because they do not want to care for a child. This belief does not acknowledge the expenses of healthcare during the 42 weeks of pregnancy. Forget the expenses of raising a child, what if a woman simply cannot afford giving birth to a child? And how is it "pro-life" to force her to carry a baby for nine months that will take away her blood, food, and oxygen without her consent? In the United States (not a third-world country, the United-freaking-States), pregnancy complications are the sixth most common cause of death for women aged 20-34. Also, there are so many unwanted children that are living miserable lives in unsuitable foster homes. How would it be "pro-life" to force a baby into that lifestyle?
Myth #3: If you are ready for sex, you are responsible for the consequences.
Sex is a biological instinct inherent in (almost) all living things. Some may believe that pre-martial sex and/or protected sex is immoral in the first place...but then don't have sex themselves. If you believe this, then other people having sex should not affect you in any way. God will love you and accept you to heaven, even if other people are having sex. Also, keep in mind that although people are responsible and use contraceptives, a couple could use condoms and birth control pills and still get pregnant. One who wants sex should not deny themselves the pleasure when contraceptives are available, whether you agree with their lifestyle or not. If they are using contraceptives, then they are already responsible. Also, what if a woman is raped? That cannot always be proved. And even it is, if an abortion clinic is on the other side of her state, then she may not have the finances or resources to travel to the clinic (this has actually happened several times). And F.Y.I., getting an abortion is indeed taking responsibility for a consequence of unwanted pregnancy.
As you can see, there is evidence that being "pro-life" is not helping anyone's life. Instead, you are forcing a woman to forego her life and her dreams. Instead, you are a forcing a woman into nine months of potential health complications and the dangers of giving birth - something she is probably not ready for. Instead, you may be forcing a child into the unwanted life of foster care. Instead, you are forcing tens of thousands of women to undergo the dangers of "back alley" abortions. Instead, you may even be forcing a woman into poverty because of the expenses of pregnancy and/or the lifetime of taking care of a child.
So despite what you believe is morally correct, women are going to receive abortions anyways. You can hold on to your beliefs, but at the same time allow women to have access to what happens to their bodies. In the end, you will be making these women happier - isn't that what "pro-life" really means?