Imagine the scenario: You're sitting at your computer screen, you've got an article overdue by a few hours, and you've got no idea what to write about. Okay, maybe I shouldn't have said the thing about it being overdue, but still. That's where you are. So you sit there and you try to think. Maybe you type out the first few sentences of ten or so different subjects but know that none of them will stick. It's one of those moments of what could be called writer's block, but you know that writer's block doesn't exist because your favorite teacher told you so. Then it hits you. Write about nothing.
Because sometimes that's just what you have to do! You don't always have the most groundbreaking topic out there, I'll tell you that right now. You aren't always going to be the best, full of amazing ideas that just flow endlessly from your fingers. Some days you might just have to sit there, turn on Spotify and type out a load of nonsense to the tune of oversaturated pop music. And maybe, just maybe, something interesting will come out of it.
I like to think that that's how some of the best work comes to be. A whole lot of nothing becomes something, and that something is incredible. I think as creators, inventors, explorers etc., we all start out as nothing and grow into something truly amazing. We are a small seed tossed to the earth, watered by time and experience. We can't be afraid of that nothingness that we start from.
I guess I've found a theme here, something to run with. That's good, seeing as I went into it with absolutely no idea. That's the spirit! Jump right in! You can't fail if you've got the right attitude about it! I guess that totally applies to life and not just spontaneously writing an article for a magazine, but you know... we're being hypothetical here, so just run with it.
Do you get it? Are you following me? Because I'm really glad there's something coming out of this nothing. Maybe even a moral, you could say. I think it's pretty cool that I'm actually doling out advice. I'm not usually cool enough to do that. But if there's anything I've learned over the course of the last few hundred words, it's that sometimes, you've just gotta go with it. Don't let the fear of something being bad or going wrong stop you from doing it. Also, sometimes you should follow your own advice.