An Anthology of Poems | The Odyssey Online
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An Anthology of Poems

To the things I've been through and people I've loved.

An Anthology of Poems

Poetry has always been a love of mine, so I want to share this now. I hope you enjoy and maybe even relate.


We’ve always tried to find
That love once held
In the tips of our tangled hands,
Cracking from pressure
Put on by you,
By me.

Watching slowly,
Our eyes rose to meet the light,
Watching something we just couldn’t stop,
With pieces intertwined right and left,
Causing wounds so bad
Not even time could heal them,

It was inevitable,
Coming at high speeds,
Traces of happiness floating around
Fooling us to the greatest extents,
And then reaching that point
Of knowing we couldn’t go on

We were just two illusions,
Searching for common ground,
Hoping for reality, obtaining false perceptions,
Now we stand like wide-eyed children,
Without a clue for the world,
In the mess we created.


Empty Thoughts

Your blue eyes that use to glance over
from across the pillow, lying to me,
Saying things that didn’t profess much truth

The way words sat in my mouth
Tangled together, rummaging for escapes
trying to tie together with the thoughts in my head,

These coffee stains provoke sweet nostalgia
like every morning,
when the rim touched your lips

In the middle of this, you,
The constant that always changed,
The foundation that constantly broke

The remainder of our years,
now just fragments floating in empty space
suspended in front of me, taunting me to screams

And I’ve felt the need to speak for a while,
with regard to how everything is
But I’ve discovered, by now, I’m far too empty.



The image of you
doesn’t leave,
it just takes on different forms,
considering the day.

You woke up next to me
with sun behind you,
saying that the view in front
couldn’t become any better.
you laughed at the combating couples around us,
reminding me of what we would never be.

Your words spewed
from such hateful places,
rummaging around your body,
running alongside your veins,
causing tension that even I could see.
just waiting to escape
before finally finding the exit.

Dishes shattered on the floor,
My mind draining as you spoke.
filling the kitchen,
with tears of discontinuation beginning.

I still don’t know
how to not utter
your name from my lips.



I thought once people I had to consume you, to fill the extra holes that I hadn’t catered to, thinking that would make the difference and help me grow, when it just slowed me down.

The pressure your weight put on me was inescapable
But I did it.

It’s liberating to say I don’t miss you anymore
Even if it’s a goddamn lie.

I’ve been trying to untwine my paradoxes
I keep saying it’s the last
But you find a new way to crawl into my body
Control my mind like my diseases
Trying to be bigger than my own

Kiss me
Lie to me
Leave me

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This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator.
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