Women have been considered inferior for most of history. They were the weaker sex, disproportionately affected by poverty and discrimination. They were not even considered human beings, completely disregarding the fact that without women, the human race could not go on. Without women giving birth, the entire human population would be wiped out.
Women are no longer an afterthought. We have risen to the highest ranks and shattered numerous glass ceilings. We are now doctors, teachers, engineers, lawyers, entrepreneurs, CEOs, learners, lovers and living life to the fullest.
Despite setbacks, women continue to flourish. It is the duty of every generation to change the minds of their children regarding gender roles. Young girls should know that they should be appreciated, respected and are able to do anything they put their minds to.
This poem is a celebration of women and all that we have accomplished.
i am done being painted as anything but human
there is chaos in my bones
and storms in my eyes
i learned to not listen to the sirens
to not lure myself in
with the promise of something beautiful
i am not another stanza in a string of bad metaphors
i am the book you cannot put down
the line you have to read twice
the song you cannot skip
i am more than a pretty face
or a womb for life to grow
hands to nurture love
a voice to stay silent
i dream of the impossible, the atrocious, the unforgiving --
i grow flowers from the shadows
and wear them in my hair
i am living the dreams that my ancestors dreamt of
so that one day
the glass ceiling shatters.