1.) Get out of your house
Take this opportunity to finally remove yourself from the crevice that you call your "writing nook" and go exploring. I have found that while taking your writing medium of choice with you may be a good idea, just leave it behind; this way you don't feel pressured to write and thoughts will flow more naturally.
2.) Watch a Film
Be it horror or comedy -- or even romance, everyone has a specific taste in film genre. In most situations, the genre directly relates to a styles of writing; this could help to get your "creative juices" flowing again.
3.) Put the pen down
While forcing yourself to entire may seem like a good idea, I can speak from experience and say that it is not a good idea. In the end you will have work written, but you will nine times out of ten be displeased with what has been said. So take a break and put down your own.
4.) Jam out alone in your room
None is the time, pull out the guiltiest of all pleasures and sing at the top of your lungs. I'm talking hairbrush-in-hand-old-school-boy-band-dance-moves jamming. While it may not be much, you can still "shake what ya' mama gave ya'." If this doesn't get you ready and pumped to write, you ar not doing it right, so try again.
5.) Eat something
The saying, "Food is the way to a man's heart." is only half true. Feed your man some cookies to help the process of writing along. Or if you don't have a man/woman in your life, feed yourself and start writing so you can in turn feed your readers.
6.) Take an excessively long nap
When it comes down to this, you need to do it right or it won't help. At this point you have more than likely tried everything, so you want this to be extreme. You are going to want to take a LONG nap. When I say long I don't mean like an hour long excuse for sleep. I want you to hibernate -- yes, make them worry about your safety.
7.) Call your mother
It never fails, your mother will always save the day. Of course it comes with a price... she is going to talk your head of, so have a seat and sip on some tea. There will be countless: lectures, complaints, gossip, and if your lucky maybe a few back stories. Take what you have learned in the estimated three hour conversation, you could take a few notes to keep yourself from falling asleep or you could grin an bear it because you brought it upon yourself.
Slam some words on your page and see where it gets you. Now is the time to forget about grammar and sentence structure.
9.) Stop making excuses
10.) Become one with the pen and make it happen. GET THE WORK ON THE PAGE