If you just can't decide what to be for Halloween, this quiz will give you your answer. Keep track of your points as you go!
1. How much effort are you willing to put into your costume?
A. I wanna go all out.
B. I'm pretty crafty.
C. A little, I'll buy something if it's not too much.
D. I Just want to use what i already own.
2. How modern do you want your costume to be?
A. V modern
B. Relevant
C. I want an old school costume
D. Couldn't care less
3. Are you trying to win a contest?
A. Why else would I dress up?
B. Sure, they're fun but I don't care about winning
C. A friend could convince me to
D. Nah
4. Do you want to reference pop culture?
A. Yes!
B. That might be fun
C. I don't care either way
D. Not my thing
5. How do you feel about makeup?
A. Love it
B. I'll try something a lil extra
C. Nothing different than usual
D. No makeup
6. What kind of thing do you want to dress up as?
A. A person
B. An imaginary thing
C. An animal
D. Anything
7. How do you wanna look?
A. Like a baddie
B. Hot
C. Cute
D. Funny
Give yourself 20 points for every A, 15 points for B, 10 points for C, and 5 points for D!
130+ Points
You're a baddie who's ready to go all out.
120-125 Points
Don't forget your lip plumper!
100-115 Points
The classic mermaid!
An oldie but a goodie
90-95 Points
Taylor Swift!
But which one? Click here to find out which T Swift era you are!
80-85 Points
Who doesn't want to be a Sanderson sister?
70-75 Points
You should be a clown!
But if you're going to be Pennywise, maybe stay away from trick or treaters...
55-65 Points
A Mouse, duh
#Basic but still cute
35-50 Points
Because pumpkin everything.