Do you remember the old rainy day song we sang with our moms on rainy days? It was more of an old nursery rhyme, but do you remember standing there, either in the living room or kitchen, looking out the window. We were too young to be playing outside in the rain because we would catch a cold. That has changed a bit now that we are older and our curiosity has told us to try new things and start playing in the rain.
But that nursery rhyme we sang when we were younger,
“Rain, rain go away
Come again another day.”
We sang it loud as if our desire to play outside outweighed the desire the earth had to be watered. Like our voices held some sort of authority over the crying clouds, we sang like a mother to her sobbing child to soothe its crying eyes.
It was a delicate song.
But it is another day now, and the rain is back again. And no matter how loud we sing or beg, the rain must come.
I for one, love the rain. I love the cold, refreshing, crisp air. I love the sound of rain pitter-pattering on the windows.
I think I sang the old nursery rhyme once until I realized what I was asking for.
The rain calms me down. It soothes me. The rain reminds me of watching Harry Potter in the winter, sipping hot drinks and playing soccer.
Today is “another day,” the rain is back and the streets washed clean of the summer dirt. The fields turning green from the watered earth. The colors have changed. Today is “another day.”
And for all the times you sang the rainy day song and it worked, it’s your turn to hold up your end of the bargain. Sing a new song and appreciate the rain. Splash in the puddles and dance in the rain. Because it will only be here for a few more days.