Around this time we probably would have been on our way to take our Christmas picture again and you would probably be arguing with your mom just like you were the day we took our first and last Christmas picture together. She would be bribing you with video games again and we would be sitting on Santa's lap once again. Now, I think if I went to go take a Christmas picture there would just be a Christmas wish of gaining you back in my life.
The holiday season is never easy without a loved one. As the years pass I somehow seem to remember more and more of the times we spent together. I remember of the time I first met you at the creek and the very last time I saw you before you became an angel. I remember that when I met you for the first time I could not help but think that you were my long lost twin. You looked just like me even though we had different mothers. For the short time I had you in my life I got to watch you grow up.
You went from being this puny seventh grader who was shorter than me to this freshman in high school who towered over me at six foot four. These next couple months are usually very tough. My heart usually longs for you and I sincerely miss you every time I see our picture in my wallet. I can not explain to you how hard it is walking around the mall and seeing everyone in line to take a picture. Something as simple as a holiday picture makes me miss you so much.
Holidays are sometimes the happiest and sometimes the saddest. Holidays are a time to reflect on all the things in life you are thankful for whether it be new friends, a new house, or even your new kitten. Holidays also bring out the saddest of times when you reflect on the loved ones that you no longer have. You sit at the table, over dinner, you remember how they laughed, you remember that you had a poke war on facebook for the longest time, and you remember that within the blink of an eye there was suddenly another angel watching over you.
Needless to say with all the memories I will make this the happiest holiday season yet. Having you gone for almost two years now has been so terribly rough but just like every year I will get through it. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year baby brother. I wish you were here and I will forever wish you were here. I hope you're enjoying the view from heaven. I love you.
To all those who have lost someone, whether it was recent or not, happy holidays to you and your family.