Oh, I saw that eye roll... Yes, this is another article about anxiety. The thing is, anxiety effects each person differently so each person is gonna have a different out look on it. So we are going to keep on writing about it.
I have anxiety and I still don't understand it. My anxiety feels like I am underwater fighting for the surface and never fully breaking out and hitting the air or it can feel like I'm underwater and running out of air but I am on the surface. On my bad days I shut down completely, I won't go to class, I won't respond to my friends numerous messages and snaps. If I am at work and I have an attack, I cry. I cry to the point i have to step outside and try and catch my breath. I constantly second guess everything. I get this feeling in my stomach that won't go away. I get this headache that never goes away because my mind won't stop racing.
If you have anxiety then you understand the frustration when other people just don't understand or your parents think you are faking it. How can you really blame them, though? How could they possibly understand your worry over nothing?
One thing I have learned about anxiety is how different I react to love and affection. I feel like people want to hang out with me because they feel the "have too". I feel like boys take me on dates because who else would, that they pitty me. I always feel like I am not good enough no matter what I do.
For those of you who get anxious over a date or a test or something, that's common and stop saying you have "anxiety". It is not a word you just get to throw around. It is an actual medical condition. When we say we don't want to talk about it, we probably just can't find the right words to help you understand.
Please do not tell us to "calm down" or say we are "overreacting". Please don't judge us for relying on a single pill or for not taking them. Please don't yell at us for pushing you away, we really aren't trying too. Please just bare with us.