Every year once the "New Year" rolls around, we are constantly saying "maybe this year will be MY year." What does that even mean? Every year is your year. When people say that, it makes me cringe because every year is dealt with hardships, struggles, happiness, and excitement all in one. Yes, do not get me wrong, some years are harder than others, but each year we are dealt with new opportunities, new connections, new environments. Each year brings you more mistakes that you have made and more life lessons that you couldn't have learned if you hadn't learned from those mistakes.
As 2017 quickly approaches us, I want you to sit back and think about what does this new year mean to you? What do you want to accomplish this year? New you? Boyfriend/Girlfriend? New Job? Better health? Each year is brought to us because we are supposed to learn and grow as people, friends, lovers, etc. If we didn't have a "new year" we wouldn't be as inclined to set goals for ourselves. Having a new year gives you a fresh start, and gives you the ability to be the best version of yourself. Every year, I am the person to make one goal for myself, and I am prone to stick to it. By doing this, even if I did not fully accomplish it that year, makes me feel better as a person even if I just improved in that goal I set for myself. 365 days seems like forever, but it quickly flies by in an instant.
Make sure when you are setting goals for yourself, you aren't CHANGING you. When I say that, do not change your whole personality, or do not go crazy in completely changing who you are. You are you for a reason. You are supposed to do things to improve your well-being and make you even more perfect than you already are. Maybe one goal you can set for yourself this year is to be more honest or loyal. This goal isn't changing yourself, it is improving yourself. Being more honest with yourself and others. Or on the other hand, set yourself a goal to do better in school, like achieve all A's this semester. These two goals are both affecting you as a person, but are both things that will open new doors for you and the people you're surrounded by.
2016 has been a whirlwind of surprises. It has been a year full of family difficulties, heart-wrenching events, and struggles. Strength got me through it and positivity kept me moving. In contrary, though, this year has not only brought me more positive opportunities than I could ever imagine, but it brought me some of the best people that I met accidentally, in which now I could not even begin to imagine my life without. Take each year as it is, and remember New Year's is a day that we are supposed to look around and be grateful for another year of fulfilling happiness and good health.
Keep this in mind....
"Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one."