On Saturday, June 18th, the group Anonymous published their fifth video dedicated to bringing attention toward Hillary Clinton's shifty behavior. The group's mission is to bring consequences upon the dishonest and to red-flag the truth for the public to see, so they have had a lot to work with regarding the Clinton campaign in this election cycle. In their latest video, Anonymous ropes Google into its outing, accusing the site of removing commonly searched phrases in favor of Hillary.
Anonymous' claim is that for some time over this primary process Google has been altering the natural search results in order to aid Clinton's campaign. In the video they compared the same results with other competing search engines and found that the competitions' results were consistent with each other while Google's displays none of the negative results they did. When the same standards were applied when searching Bernie Sanders' and Donald Trump's names, Google's results matched the results of its competitors, with the top results being negative search phrases. Anonymous has a clear distaste for this manipulation, calling out Google for breaching the trust that society has in them.
Hillary Clinton has been within the political spectrum for a considerable amount of time if you account for her time as First Lady to Arkansas and the US as well as her terms as Senator and Secretary of State, and anyone with that much exposure to politics is bound to have some skeletons in the closet, but if Google did alter it's autocomplete function in favor of her it would be a very unfair advantage. Google is the world's most popular search engine, and leaving out the negative results is just sweeping the dirt under a rug, the people may not know about what is being hidden but that doesn't mean that those things didn't happen. The public deserves to know the unaltered track record of a presidential candidate before fully considering the option of voting them in.
After the speech in the video, Anonymous edited together an eight-minute compilation of clips of Hillary where she constantly contradicts herself. From her ties to health insurance and drug companies to her stance on Keystone, she's not out of character for an establishment politician, but it's a problem when she makes outright claims that she's been consistent on policies throughout her whole life.
Anonymous maintains an impressive ability to rally supporters and to bring about hidden truths, and it's interesting to see them continue to call out Hillary Clinton especially when she is so close to clinching the nomination. The video is still very new, gaining over 130,000 views in 15 hours, proving that the project has the potential to go much further.