At first, it was too cold (because of global warming (yes, it's real!)), but now it's way too hot. Summer break is fun because it includes fun at the beach, hanging out with friends, and ice-cream, but it also brings along some cons.
1. Power outages happen at least once every week
When everyone is using their air conditioner at the same time, it ain’t pretty. Power outages entail going back to medieval times with candles and NO AC.
2. Snapchat is filled with stickers showing the temperature
Please stop posting about the temperature on Snapchat. We get it!! It’s hot!
3. Having to change twice in one day because you outsweated your first outfit
I don’t know if this is TMI, but body sweat is a big no-no.
4. Getting into your car after it’s been sitting in the sun for a good hour
If you own a car with black seats, you'll probably need aloe for all those burns on your back thighs.
5. Seeing your utilities bill at the end of month
Ah, the pitfalls of instant gratification. Air conditioner, you are good but too expensive.
6. The weather is ALWAYS one of the topics of conversation
Let’s stop this small talk about the weather. Yes, it’s hot, but talking about it won’t change anything!
7. Going to the beach results in sand EVERYWHERE
Going to the beach is a double-edged sword. You get to play in the sun and have fun, but sand goes EVERYWHERE!!
8. Tan lines are no joke...sock tans, shorts tans, farmers tans, sandals tans
Tan lines are literally the worst. Currently combating a Birkenstocks tan right now..
9. Insects are literally everywhere
This is me if any bug comes near me. I know God created these bugs, but please just stay away from me!!
10. The smell of sunscreen hits you like a truck at the beach (or anywhere, for that matter)
Don’t forget to apply your sunscreen, but remember to spray your sunscreen AWAY from other people. It’s not fun (nor safe) to inhale all that spray on sunscreen.
Summer break is fun and all, but is it really? Is it worth all the sweat, sand, tan lines, and insects?