The beach is a place I like to call home because it's where I'm most sane and at peace, but there are certain things that annoy me when I'm there.
1.Seeing people you know, that you don’t want to sit by.
Yeah the beach is a place where everyone usually goes to when it's hot outside, but if you go with a few friends you only go WITH THEM because you didn’t want to spend your beach day with someone else. Then all of a sudden, you see a few kids from your high school, or your childhood, and they all decide to migrate by you. It ends up being a whole reunion on the beach. All you really had in mind was having a relaxing day with a few friends, but nope. Maybe next time.
2.People that are too drunk on the beach.
Yeah I get it: summertime. It's time to loosen up and have a good time, but when it's 1 pm on a Wednesday and you are yelling all over the beach saying “IM DRUNK”, then you need to simmer down. Sometimes i'll see girls running on the beach falling into the water and just knocking out. Some are even being chased by their friends until they fall into the water and make a huge scene. I usually go on ‘mom mode’ and try to help most people I see like that because what if it was one of my close friends, but if it constantly happens, it’s a bother.
3.When the sand is so hot it burns your feet.
If I ever get blisters on my feet, I want it to be because I’m wearing some new Louis Vuitton heels (that I don’t have), not because I’m on the beach trying to have a relaxing day! That feeling once you take your shoes off to walk on the sand and you feel the soles of your feet asking of rescue is when you bolt straight to the water. The rest of the time on the beach you try to play it cool by standing on your towel or just honestly laying down the whole time being unbothered by the fact you have new blisters that hurt so badly.
4.Used diapers lying in the sand.
Dear moms and dads, once you change your beautiful babies on the sand can you please just throw away the diaper? There are millions of trashcans located specially on the sand for people to throw away their trash, and yes a diaper happens to be trash. Please and thank you from everyone else on the beach.
5.Sand somehow getting into your drink.
When I’m so thirsty coming in for a reach of bottle and then I feel sand in my throat, it’s not a good time. Millions of people step on sand, and I really don’t want that in my body system! Sand is everywhere so beware you might have it in your mouth sometime during your stay.
Besides that I love the beach. I was a beach baby growing up, and I can't wait until one day my kids become cute little surfers as well!