Snapchat has been a huge part of our lives now for quite some time. Over the years, Snapchat has undergone some MAJOR changes, whether we wanted them or not. But the one thing that hasn't changed? Those annoying snapchat stories that make you roll your eyes and wonder who let them post that.
1. A black screen with some sad/ominous text that no one ever reads.
Dana Sherpensky
You know the one—bonus points if it's posted at two a.m. when no one is up. "Can't trust anyone these days", "Don't know what I'm gonna do without her" or the elusive "Fuck this" are among some of my favorites.
2. A selfie of someone "singing" along to a song for two minutes straight.
We know you love this song and you think you look super cute with that heart filter slapped on. But I can guarantee you that everyone is just going to click straight through your video or make fun of you for not knowing the words as well as you think.
3. A video of all "your" money with some trashy rap song playing in the background.
It seems like the shittier the song is, the more money you're trying to convince us you have. Usually the people who post about how much money they have don't actually have any money. Sorry to break it to you, but your parents' money doesn't count.
4. A video of you with a filter and making different faces.
Are you trying to be seductive? Are you constipated? Are you having a seizure? Is something in your eye? The world may never know.
5. EVERY meal you've eaten throughout the day.
I love food, and I'm definitely guilty of posting #FoodPorn occasionally. Sometimes, the food deserves to be shown off. But your snapchat friends don't really care about that turkey and cheese sandwich you made at lunch, and the five-course entree you had for dinner.
6. The "Add my homie @______" Snap.
Honest question: Does this desperate move really work? (Asking for a friend)
7. A three minute long speech/rant about something random.
I don't have the patience to sit here and tap through your inspirational message about life or how someone rudely cut you off on your way to class.
8. The "Streaks?" Snap.
Streaks are only fun if you're actually friends with the person and send multiple pictures/messages a day. Sending me a picture of a bush with the caption "streak" then not talking to me the rest of the day is stupid.
9. The #Sponsored Snap: "Thanks @______ for my new stuff! I'm in love 😍".
We all know you bought it yourself online. Once again, you're not fooling anyone.
10. A picture of your millionth Victory Royale on Fortnite.
We get it, you spend every waking moment playing Fortnite in your bedroom. Your first-ever Victory Royale is a special moment in your life and it deserves to be shared, but by your millionth one, you're just not that impressive.
11. An ENTIRE concert.
Concerts or music festivals are a ton of fun, and I appreciate it when people post a few videos from the event. However, no one wants to hear the whole concert—the quality is usually poor anyways. Put down your phone for a second and enjoy actually being there.
If you want to play it safe, give the people what they want and keep posting pictures of your puppy or the sunset. Otherwise, snap at your own risk.