Here's a list of 10 things that I just want to shake my head about.
1. Not shutting the door when you leave a room
There is nothing worse than having the door shut, someone walks in, gets what he or she needed, and then walks out without shutting the door. If you're trying to be productive, you then have to get up and shut the door. If you're about to go to sleep, you're forced to get up to shut it in order to go to sleep, since there is no way you can fall asleep with the lights outside on.
2. Not understanding "quiet time"
Sometimes we all need quiet time. For me, I need quiet time when I actually focus on studying. Nothing makes me more frustrated that when people can't respect that. It throws me off of my studying or concentration.
3. When someone only responds to 1/4 questions asked
I am asking questions because I want to know the answer, duh. I am the type of person who will send a couple of texts to a person if I feel comfortable, and I want a response to all of them!!! Usually, the person will respond to the last text and ignore the first one or two...uh hello, this is urgent.
5. Assuming girls know nothing about sports
As a major sports fan, I can talk my way through a conversation about sports. I follow them, and I do actually know my facts. Nothing makes me feel inferior than when someone belittles me in a sports conversation, acting like I don't know what is going on. I will admit to anything I don't know, but I am better than most.
5. The people that "know everything"
I respect intelligence. But sometimes I just hate being corrected, especially if it is getting into the nitty-gritty. Sometimes, I just want to feel good about where I'm at, instead of that one person that always feel the need to "one-up" me.
6. Classic grammar mistakes
I hate when people mistake "your" and "you're". A while has a space. Know when to use affect versus effect.
7. The people that talk over movies/shows and then want to be caught up
I dislike having to stop a show to catch someone up on what happened because they were talking. I just want to focus on the movie.
8. Drivers who don't use a turn signal
Not only is this dangerous, but I've been forced to wait several times thinking someone is going straight or my direction, and then they turn and I could've gone five minutes ago. Ugh.
9. That person that gets crumbs in the butter container
Being a clean freak, this just grosses me out. It's like finding peanut butter in the jelly jar. Gross.
10. Not putting something back where it was found
It is the #1 reason why I lose things. *drops mic*