We've all got em. They're sometimes big and more often than not, small little things that just eat away at our beings. Likewise we all handle them differently. I like to be SUPER passive aggressive towards my "offenders" until they stop. You might be nicer than me (let's hope you're nicer than me). Anyway, without further adue, I present you the unabridged top 6 most annoying pet peeves.
And, to help punctuate the emotions, I've enlisted the help of Olya Povlatsky (SNL character played by Kate McKinnon).
6. Driving slow in the turn lane.
Lord HELP ME. If I catch you going the speed limit or heaven forbid, UNDER the speed limit in the passing lane(s), I will ride your tail till the cows come home.
5. Texting while in conversation.
I'll admit I've done this before and I kind of hate myself for it. But it's SOOO rude to be texting someone else during the middle of an actual, real life conversation. If you have to pause the conversation to respond to a legitimately pressing message, that's one thing; most people will understand. But if you're going to talk with someone in person, "be all here", to quote my mother (hi mom).
4. Gossip/Lying
It's personal here. If someone lies to another's face and they find out, it breaks all trust. If someone starts talking bad about a "friend" of theirs, it makes the person seem manipulative and vacant of compassion. It's also, frankly, selfish and messes up a lot of relationships. Plain and simple, if it's not uplifting, true or necessary, don't say it.
3. Breaking a promise.
Plain and simple: Do what you say you will do. If you tell me you go to "x event" and then back out, it royally sucks (see #2). There are legitimate reasons for having to back out on some things. But the "I forgot about "x project" and can't go" doesn't fly.
"But let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No.'" - The Bible
Okay, it's Matthew 5:37, to be exact.
2. Cancel plans at the last minute.
Look, I know life happens. I'm not talking about the "my car got a flat and I can't make it" kinds of excuses. Uh uh. I'm talking about the "sorry, can't make it today for lame 'xyz' reason". First off, it's rude. Treating people like a canceled haircut screams "you're not important to me" (no offense intended to any barbers or cosmetologists out there). Secondly, it makes the person look bad. Straight up it tells you this person doesn't have their scheduling and priorities straight. Finally, it's worth noting: it's better to cancel on someone last minute (regardless of the excuse) than to simply not show up at all with zero communication.
1. Chewing food with your mouth open.
I can't. I CANNOT. It kills me. I know it kills you. If you're eating, CLOSE YOUR MOUTH. Some foods are loud (i.e. chips, cereal, etc...) and I get it. You can't help but to make some noice. But the smacking and nastiness that permeates from a person's oral orifice, mid mastication, is thoroughly appalling.
Okay. I'm done. I'm a little worked up but we made it.
I'm gonna go get some coffee and calm down.